Although bearded dragons tend to be a low maintenance pet once they’re properly settled, they still need a good home set-up to keep them happy and healthy. When welcoming a bearded dragon into your family it’s important to consider what size tank is best for your bearded dragon as well how much space is available in your home. Here’s what we’ve learned about choosing the best tank size for a bearded dragon.
Bearded Dragon Teeth & Care: What Every Owner Needs To Know
The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine recently released a case study about Rex, a 5-year-old bearded dragon. This case study details how a bearded dragon’s teeth can be effected by poor oral health care and husbandry. Poor Rex wasn’t wanting to eat or drink, as he was suffering from oral inflammation, buildup, and even some exposed bone.
Read moreBearded Dragon Teeth & Care: What Every Owner Needs To Know
Ultimate List of the Best Bearded Dragon Names
This Ultimate List of the Best Bearded Dragon names is perfect for families to use to pick a name for their new beardie. Some of these names might make the kids giggle, but we’re certain you’ll all fall in love with at least one. From cute Bearded Dragon names like Big Daddy and Pretty Girl, to super cool Bearded Dragon names like Flash and Spike, you’re sure to find a name everyone can agree on in our massive list of 250+ names!
Are Bearded Dragons Good Pets?

When we first ventured into the world of bearded dragon ownership, I remember asking someone, “Are bearded dragons good pets?” They replied with a rather passionate yes — as most beardie owners do — but they left out some important details we wish we’d known. Keep in mind, we hadn’t owned reptiles before, and didn’t have a clue about what it was like to care for a beardie as a pet. Here are a few things I wish they’d explained to us in the beginning.